#kranujesz - Quellio
landing page_hamilton


The landing page created for JS Hamilton Poland has been designed and coded with the option of quick editing thanks to integration with the WordPress management system.


  • RWD

    Responsive Web Design.

  • Yoast SEO

    Plugin facilitating organic web positioning.
  • SSL Certificate

    Protection and security of websites.
  • WordPress

    Content Management System (CMS).

  • HTML5

    The language used to create web pages.
  • JS

    JavaScript programming language.

  • CSS3

    Language used to describe the layout of elements on a web page. Version 3.


  • Individually designed graphic elements of the site.
  • Graphic design consistent with the visual identity of the company and campaign.
  • Page divided into sections so you can update individual components.
  • Landing page integrated with WordPress which allows for quick changes.
  • Menu with the option to move to a section through a scroll.

Marketing internetowy

  • Optimizing for speed display.
  • The possibility of introducing rapid changes allowing for AB testing campaign.
  • Content are entered as text and not graphics which allows search engines to "read" the page.
  • Search engine optimization.
landing page_hamilton grafika

The website has been designed in accordance with the corporate identity of the company and the campaign.

landing page_hamilton desctop

Each element of the landing page has the ability to edit both graphics and content. You can also delete a given section of the page or add another one at any time.

landing page_hamilton mobile

Like all our pages, the landing page has been adapted to mobile devices and to the latest versions of search engines.